Mount Pleasant Cemetery Road Maintenance

We are commencing phase 1 of essential road maintenance and improvements at Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Our primary goal is to enhance safety and convenience for all visitors and staff.

Apology and Commitment: We apologize for any inconvenience this work may cause and are committed to minimizing impact and expediting the process.

Roadway Maintenance: During construction, we prioritize maintaining drivability on non-construction roads. Some sections may be temporarily covered with gravel until new asphalt is complete.

Safety Caution: Visitors should exercise caution while navigating cemetery roads during this period.

Noise Impact: While we strive to minimize noise during graveside services, there may be increased environmental sounds throughout the cemetery.

Work Schedule: Our workers receive daily notifications about cemetery services, allowing flexibility for families. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a daily work plan. However, our office can offer a map with the best route for appointments and services on any given day.

Table of Contents:
> > Roadwork Updates
>> Roadwork Map


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2024 Roadwork Updates: 

June 6, 2024 - Roadwork will commence with phase one.

June 17, 2024 - Phase two and three began.

August 23, 2024 - Roadwork paused to plan phase four.

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